This was my first and probably last Linda Howard novel and it was red hot alright! I did not know what to expect when I started reading this book, but it fairly reeked with all of the sterotypical aspects of a romance novel. Mind you, it had a little action spy thriller thrown in on top just so we wouldn't get all wrapped up in that hunk of a guy with the odd first name, Cael. Of course the female lead is named Jenner so we are pretty well set in the unusual, this-should-keep-your-attention name department. The story is about the wealthy, albeit 'workingman' Jenner Redwine who has won the lottery and now has a new kind of life because of all that money. She is kidnapped on a cruise for the ultra wealthy and forced to work for her kidnappers in order to save a friend's life. But creeping into the middle of all this she falls in love with that hunk of a kidnapper/good guy while sleeping handcuffed to him. hmmm. I'm not a huge romance novel fan, but it all seemed pretty standard fare for the romance novel. The real writing came in when the sex scenes started appearing. (that's the 'red hot' part) It seemed this was the real reason why she was writing this novel, I thought. Everything else was pretty boring and familiar. Seriously, I could have predicted how this would turn out from the beginning. After all, what could be more sexy than to fall in love with your captor..
So. If you want to read about kidnapping, and intrigue, or a spy thriller about the north Koreans stealing weapons of mass destruction, better pass on this one. But as a sex novel. Well. It's in there.
So. If you want to read about kidnapping, and intrigue, or a spy thriller about the north Koreans stealing weapons of mass destruction, better pass on this one. But as a sex novel. Well. It's in there.
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