Thursday, November 12, 2009


We have a big family event coming up on Monday. I'm excited to invite families in for this. It's a "Learn How To GeoCache" for everyone, young and old. We start here at the library at 6:30. GPS Systems are provided, so if you don't have one, come anyway!

I tried my first geocaching in October with some friends. Of course, I wasn't holding the GPS but I still got to tramp through the woods and have the thrill of discovery. It worked. We found a travelling geo tag-something you take with you and put in another location as you do more and more 'treasure hunting'. Part of the fun was just being with someone else who was enjoying themselves as much as you. The other part was using that GPS system. I love technology and it was great fun to figure out how it worked.
Kids of all ages are welcome to this. It will be a very hands on experience and you won't be sitting in the library for long. See you on Monday night!

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