Saturday, July 4, 2009

Tea Time for the Traditionally Built

I finished up book # 10 of Alexander McCall Smith's series of the Ladies No. 1 Detective Agency. I am a mystery fan, and this series just fits the bill for those who love stories that dig into human nature. Precious Ramtoswe is the owner and chief detective of the Ladies No. 1 Detective agency in Botswana, S. Africa. The only female detective in the country she believes that there is no problem that can't be solved with common sense and an understanding of human nature. In this story we see her struggling with her faithful friend, her little white van, agreeing to help the president of the local football team figure out why they are always losing, even though Precious has no idea what football is about. Mix in her assistant Mma Makatusi and her fiance Phuti Radiphuti, rival Violet Sepotho and you have a wonderful easy going story good all the way through. Read with a cup of tea in hand and you will have the spirit of the whole book!

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